Ally said this to me last night and my heart broke. We talked about it for a bit and when I asked her why she thinks this she said she didn't know she just feels fat. (I have struggled with my weight my whole life but it is an internal battle that I just don't talk about.) I asked if someone said this to her and she said there is a little boy at school that calls her names, she said he doesn't call her fat but I just can't help but wonder...
How do I give my seven year old a healthy self image? She is at a point where she has a little "baby fat", and we have had a hard time finding things to fit, especially pants. When we have a hard time finding a pair to fit or that she grows out of we talk about growing and that she is going to grow taller and stretch and her body will take on lots of different shapes. We also talk about making healthy food choices and that it is ok to have a cookie we just can't eat ten at a time. I pray that I'm not the one making her feel this way when we have a hard time clothes shopping, that in my frustration to find clothes to fit I haven't said something that has damaged her self image. If there is anyone out there that can help, I'm looking for advice if you have it.
2 years ago