The other day as I was sitting on hold I found myself blog hopping through the friends of friends blogs, I am not sure exactly where I found the post on "normal" but it was like reading a good book, it inspired me, got me thinking...
"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.” ellen degeneres
Wow! This quote hit me like a ton of bricks! I so don't want to be normal but, I am. I think there is so much for me to accomplish, so much I can accomplish but how do I do it? I wish I could answer myself.
How do people go from normal to extraordinary? We are all brought into this earth the same way, we all age day by day, and we all grow up influenced good or bad by our surroundings. Most of us eventually leave home to begin our own lives, sometimes doing what we intended to do and sometimes just being caught up in the motions and sometimes doing something amazing. When Mary was born she had no idea she would give birth to the Mesiah, when Ben Franklin was born, who knew he would harness the power of electricity? Every day there are people making a difference, I am caught in the motions. Don't get me wrong I thank God everyday, well pretty much everyday, for what I have and for what I don't have. I have an amazing family, amazing friends, and things that I love in my life. But I am still normal.
What do I want? I used to want a high power career, a lot of money, a big house and a nanny. Thank goodness we grow up, and sometimes we change. What do I want now? To make a difference in the world, to be a good example to my friends and family, for God to be proud of me. A song that often times plays over and over in my head is American Baby, by Dave Matthews..."God's grace is gone and the devil is proud" I certainly don't want to make the Devil proud. What can I do to make God proud? This is my new quest - to be used for God's glory in whatever, not in what I want but where he wants me. This will be hard, it is difficult to actually let God be the Lord of your life and not try to put your own will ahead of his. I know I am selfish but I am going to try, I will consciously continue to seek and hopefully find my way out of normal.
2 years ago
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