Reading the Tampa paper this morning I came across an article with this title. Recently our church took a quiz called Grow, it asked 3 questions in 14 key areas and allowed you to score yourself on different aspects such as prayer, bible knowledge, evangelism etc... My lowest area, Misssions...It's not that I don't support missions, or want to help. I think I feel so insignificant in my own town that to tackle the world seems next to impossible. However, as I read that the people of Haiti are forced to eat "cookies" made of dirt, salt and vegetable shortening it made my heart just ache for these people. Food prices around the world have spiked due to the higher oil prices and prices for basic ingredients such as corn and wheat have also increased due to the global demand for biofuels.
The most depressing part? At the market in the La Saline slum, two cups of rice now sell for 60 cents. 60 cents? I am sure most of us can find 60 cents in our cars, pockets, couch cushions, the washer a variety of different places. So what am I going to do now that I have this knowledge? First I will pray for the people of Haiti and second I will search for an organization that helps these people. I never read the paper, thank you Lord for putting this article before me and opening my eyes to greater issues than my own...
2 years ago
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