Last night I had the privilege of going to Family Reading Night with Ally at her school. Quite honestly it has been a long week, we have had something to do every night and heading back to Parma at 6:30 was the last thing I wanted to do on a Thursday night. You may think this post is going to be about my t.v. addiction, but keep reading...So Jason Colthorp was the "celebrity" reader, I am now a Jason fan. He was hilarious, had the kids engaged in the story and seemed like a genuinely nice guy. He interacted with the kids and it didn't even seem to bother him when the kids interrupted or said things not quite appropriate for the moment. Ally even jumped off my lap so she could sit closer to him, quite a move for a clingy kid. As he is answering questions about what he does he tells the crowd that he will be moving to channel 10 as of Monday so look for him there at 11:00. He tells the kids that's pretty late so they might miss him when a dad yells "hey that's what VCR's are for". Maybe it was just me but it caught me a bit off guard to hear of someone still recording on a VCR. Quite honestly I had actually forgotten that function of the VCR. We don't have DVR in our house but I seriously thought I was the last person in Jackson without it. Until that guy mentioned it I had totally forgotten we even had the capability to record t.v. Granted you can't watch the tape till it is actually done recording your show but thanks unknown dad for reminding me that we do have the power to record. And by the way the book he read was Skippyjon Jones and it was a great book!
2 years ago