My dad has been on my about ditching Diet Coke and any other product that contains Aspartame because of the negative side effects, I have been trying to make the switch to a little healthier one mini step at a time. I am slowly weaning myself off Diet Coke, which is HARD! I have been drinking a ton of green tea which I enjoy I just sometimes want Diet Coke, maybe I'll go back to regular Coke after reading this article the empty calories seem more healthy!
2 years ago
I think it's really funny that the google ad on your site right now is for "Gay-friendly Autos." How'd google come up with that one.
Your dad is such a nag...he's worse than gramma was. He's told me practically every tim I ask for a diet coke at his house how idiotic I am for choosing such a dastardly drink. I am used to being called idiotic by any and all of my is my life script to take their crap...but I read the article he emailed me three times and decided to go off diet coke. But don't tell your dad.
Aunt Tammee
Two weeks off the aspartame wagon as of Monday.
I guess I mean on the wagon, but diet coke is my worst think I ever drink, so I don't know if it's on or off the wagon...I just know I haven't had any.
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