I took the who are you quiz on facebook today and discovered I am Kate Austen, who knew...There are only a few differences between Kate and I.
1. I haven't stolen a baby and called it my own
2. I haven't killed anybody
3. I am not wanted by the law for countless broken laws
4. Last but not least I'm pretty sure if I was stranded on an island and woke up every day with no make up or flat iron there wouldn't be two gorgeous men fighting for my affection
I also wish every LOST episode was a throwback pop up video, I love it. I also would like to state before the episode begins in 13 minutes that I believe Michael will be Ben's accomplice on the boat.
I'm also loving the fact that they are actually bringing story lines together I recently read an interview that by the end of the season we will know if Aaron is considered one of the Oceanic Six and who was in the coffin at the end of last season. Can you tell I'm loving LOST!
I just hope it doesn't get to jiggy with the whole time travel thing. If you happen to know what show Daniel Farraday played on before LOST please let me know it is driving Trent crazy.
2 years ago
We probably won't watch LOST until Sunday so don't tell me what happens.
Here's everything that Daniel Farraday/Jeremy Davies has been in:
# Rescue Dawn (2006)
# Manderlay (2005)
# Helter Skelter (2004)
# Dogville (2003)
# Solaris (2002)
# 29 Palms (2002)
# Searching for Paradise (2002) .... Adam
# Secretary (2002)
# The Laramie Project (2002)
# Teknolust (2002)
# CQ (2001)
# Investigating Sex (2001)
# Up at the Villa (2000)
# The Million Dollar Hotel (2000)
# Rock the Boat (2000) (TV)
# The Florentine (1999)
# Ravenous (1999)
# Saving Private Ryan (1998)
# The Locusts (1997)
# Going All the Way (1997)
# Twister (1996)
# Nell (1994)
# Spanking the Monkey (1994)
# "General Hospital" (unknown episodes, 1992)
# "Melrose Place" (1 episode, 1992)
# "The Wonder Years" (1992)
# Guncrazy (1992)
# 1775 (1992) (TV)
# "Dream On" (1 episode, 1991)
Thank you, IMDB.
This further proves that I will seriously do anything to avoid my stupid paper.
You are killing me with the not watching til Sunday, but I will hold off on saying any more...
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