Sorry, guys, it's quick and for a kid's school project! (And you are the ones I thought might follow through - either because you have kids, you like science, or you're just plain nice.) This is for a science fair project. If you could do this I would appreciate it! DON'T ASK, JUST PLAY! Copy and paste this entire letter into a new e-mail (PLEASE do NOT hit FORWARD), then read the list of names below. If your name is on the list put a star* next to it. If not, then add your name (in alphabetical order), and do not put in a star. Send it to ten people and send it back to the person who sent it to you. Put your name in the subject box! You'll see what happens...So if I send it to 10 people and the person that sent it to me in what way will the person that started the email for the "school project" ever get it back or know the results? Maybe I'm missing something, will someone enlighten me?
It's kind of cool! Please keep this going. Don't mess it up, please:
Bloomsburg Division Aaron, Adam, Aileen, Alastair, Alexis, Allison, Amber*, Amy**, Andrea*, Andy**, Angela, Angie, Any, Ann**, Anne***, Asha, Ashley, Astin, Austin, Barb*, Barbara, Beth, Bill*, Bryan, Carenna, Carey, Cathy,Charlie, Cheryl*, Chris, Cindy, Colleen, Connie, Corrie, Dana, Dawn, Debbie, Dennis, Diane, Donna*, Eileen, Elaine, Emily, Erik, Erin, Evelyn, Frank, Georgia, Gina*, Hamilton, Hayley, Heidi, Jackie*, Janet, Janie, Jannette, Jeannie, Jeff, Jen, Jenny, Jennifer*, Jessica, Jill*,Jim, Joanne, Joe, John*, Judy*, Julie, Julia, Kajene, Kara, Karen*, Kate, Kathy***, Kelli, Kelly, Ken, Kendi, Kevin*, Kim**, Kristy, Lauren*, Leigh Anne, Lettie, Liliana, **Linda, Lisa***, Liz, Lori, Lorraine, Lorri, LuAnne, Luz, Mandy, Margery, Maria*, Mark, Marsha, Martha*, Martina, Mary**, Maureen*,Meagan, Melanie, Melissa**, Mia, Michael, Michele***, Michelle*,Milann, Mira, Naira, Nancy*, Noreen, Pam, Renea, Rich, Robyn, Sally, Sandy, Sarah, Sharon, Sheila, Sherol, Sherri, Sonjon, Stephanie**, Susan*, Suzanne*, Tania, Tammy, Teresa***, Theresa*, Therese, Tiffany, Tina, Toni, Tony, Tracey, Troy, Wand, Zaivy
PS...I did send this to 10 people and not a darn thing has happened.