This statement should be music to my ears but it actually hurts just a bit. Last night at bed time I was tucking Ally in and a bit teary eyed she said "when you are done scratching my back can you get dad"? Trent was actually coming in at the same time and asked her what she needed. She told him that she would talk to him about it when mom left. I could tell Trent was a bit nervous about how I might react to being left out so he was explaining to her that whatever she needed to say she could go ahead while I was there. She said no so I excused myself from my back scratching duties, gave her a kiss told her I loved her then let her pour out her heart to her dad. Inside I am screaming, why the heck don't you want to talk to me?
She rides the bus to the Y on Thursdays and takes swimming. This child is not a fan of change, she likes to get on the bus the same place every day and she likes to get off the bus at the same place every day. So when Thursday rolls around she isn't too excited to have her schedule changed. She loves swimming but gets nervous about everything else. Where do I go, who will help me, what will we have for snack, who will pick me up, where will I change in to my suit, who will sit by me, and the list goes on.
So last night she is telling Trent that her eyes hurt when she swims. And she doesn't know where to go to wait for us to pick her up. I'm thinking why can't she ask me about those things? I shouldn't care, I know that Trent is the best dad and I am so proud that Ally feels comfortable enough with her dad to discuss things when she is hurting. And it's not just Ally, yesterday at conferences for Lanie her teacher was telling us how much Lanie loves her dad! Does it leave me feeling a bit like chopped liver, yep. But it also makes me realize how lucky I am to have such a close family.
So we'll see how the day goes today, Ally had a tummy ache this morning which without a fever is almost always a "nervous" sign. I am hoping she makes it through the day. I sent her to school with some saltines and some Tums and had to explain to her that if she got sick at school we wouldn't be able to get her. She knows throwing up = going home and no Y, she has done this a handful of times this year, but we're on to her. As I am telling her this I am thinking I probably wouldn't want to talk to me either! Oh well, kids learn how to play their parents and right now I am the mean one, I guess that is ok, someday it will be Trent's turn.
2 years ago
1 comment:
I'm pretty much laughing and crying at the same time. I know all too well what you're talking about. Most of the time whoever is the non present parent at the time of discipline is the hero. I am inspired to write my own blog entry on this subject. Check it out soon. I think the title is going to be "Tums and Saltines". You rock. You're a fantastic, Godly, fun, thoughtful, loving mommy. My aunt told me when my kids arrived that you'll pour everything you have into these little people and they'll treat you worse than anyone else on earth because they know they can and you'll still love them. I try to remember that when I'm being verbally abused for trying to keep them safe and healthy. Praise the Lord that you love her enough to serve a little tough love sometimes. It will help her so much in life. Over-indulged kids suck. :)
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