I have been on hiatus...No reason except for how a 24 hour day seems to be crammed into like only 12 hours. I'm not sure exactly how it happens but it just seems like there is too much to do in a day. Three days last week I left my house at 7:10 a.m. and didn't get home til after 8:00 or 9:00. So I keep thinking I need to update but when 12:00 a.m. rolls around I am just ready to go to bed. I know some people do this all the time but it is starting to leave me a little drained and tired of driving...With gas being oh such a great value it is hard to drive all over town and not watch the gas gauge head south and think that is 50 bucks I could have spent on something way more fun.
Things of note...
Last time I was getting my hair done my hair dresser was telling me about another one of her clients (we'll call her Abby to help the story flow better), whose friend called and told her she HAD to check out this person's myspace page. So she goes to myspace and thinks she is looking at her own site as all the pictures are of her~ This person actually posted Abby's pictures and called them her own. She even went so far as to post a picture of Abby and her sister and claim it was identity stealer and her girlfriend. That would be just a touch creepy!
Sunday I wore sandals to church even though I had to step over a little pile of snow. I REFUSE to put boots back on, for pete sake it is spring.
Reality tv, I admit I love it. The biggest loser is my favorite show. I am totally pulling for Kelly I never expected her to get this far. She should be so proud of her accomplishments!
Do you ever completely forget things and know there is something you are forgetting but for the life of you cannot muster what the thought was no matter how hard you try? Seriously my short term memory is shot these days, we'll just blame that memory loss on the kids...
2 years ago
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