Thursday the 26th...
Lanie woke up about 7:30, she is my early riser always! Since she was up Ally and I both were up also, we are sharing one room. Our biggest issue last night where everyone was going to sleep. We could have two rooms, two beds, but the girls wanted me with them so we have 1 room, 1 bed and an Aerobed. Who is sleeping with mom? Since we couldn't agree the girls got the bed and I ended up on the lovely Aerobed, at some point in the evening we all ended up on the air mattress and the lovely bed was empty.
We get up to see what's happening, Lanie sees the pool and decides she is ready for a swim at 9:30, I think we got out of the pool around 7:00 - FABULOUS 1st day of vacation.

Friday the 27th...
More swimming, more relaxing. It is HOT here and sitting in the sun actually sets your skin on fire. Dinner time rolls around and I am so excited, we're in Texas, I bet we'll eat something yummy! Nope, the kids choose Cici's Pizza ~ Yuck, not my favorite place.

Saturday the 28th...
Absolutely beautiful day today, of course we spent the morning and afternoon swimming and went to see King Fu Panda in the evening. My brother Corey was home and spent some time in the pool with us, the girls loved that. I'm sure he will appreciate the picture with the pink swimming cap popping up here.

Sunday the 29th...
We were planning on church today but everyone is exhausted and slept in so we didn't quite make it but had a great day just relaxing and catching up with the family.
Monday the 30th...
Grandma had to work until about 12:00 and Grandpa had a Doctor appointment. We were planning on going to the water park, Hawaiian Falls but Grandpa had an issue with his foot and wasn't able to get wet:( One of the things we do every year is go to Chuck E. Cheese, aka germ central, so that is what we did today.

Tuesday the 1st...
Spent the day at
Hawaiian Falls with Grandma. We had a fabulous time. Both girls were so adventurous by the end of the day going right down the biggest slides. They both loved the lazy river and wave pool. Lanie wasn't a huge fan of the bucket that dumps like 5000 gallons of water over the entire kid section every 10 minutes or so, can't say that I blame her.

Wednesday the 2nd...
Grandpa had a meeting at work today and Grandma worked today also, so my friend Wendy and her kids came over to enjoy a little pool time. The kids have a sleepover with just Grandma outside on the porch, I was not invited.
Thursday the 3rd...
Woke up around 7:30 surprised to not find Ally in our room. Her and Grandma made it all night in their outdoor tent! We got ready and headed to Sam Moon in Dallas, the girls made out with new jewelry and accessories thanks to Grandma.
My cousin Garrett and his wife Emily arrived today from Arizona. My Aunt Tammee and Uncle Dave moved to Texas a couple years ago and live in Longview about 3 hours from my parents. We had lunch and spent a couple hours in the pool, yes we have logged a lot of hours in that pool! Ryan and I took the girls to see Wall E, another great movie. Lanie made it about 15 minutes into the movie and she was out. Both girls are going to be needing a vacation from their vacation.
Friday the 4th...
Spent the day just lounging around. We swam a bit, napped a bit and just hung out. We are all pretty worn out. We went to the fireworks in the evening and just had a great time! Tomorrow we leave, very sad, but we will be happy to see Trent.

Saturday the 5th...
Today we leave. We started the day with breakfast from McDonalds and went swimming of course. Eric surprised the girls with bumper boats for the pool, they had a fantastic last day in Texas.